Friday, February 15, 2013

Gray Dresser Makeover

This past year I have been addicted to redoing furniture.  Something about buying something that has been loved to death and refinishing it makes me so happy.

On one of my yard sale adventures I found an old dresser that was hand made in Mexico.  It found its way to Alaska with a military family and for just $40 became a Messinger.  The MR couldn't believe I wasted $40 on a dresser but I couldn't wait to show him how beautiful it could be.  

With a lot of sanding, primer, paint, and new hardware it is now my favorite piece in our home. 
Dresser Before
Look at all that detail waiting to be sanded and painted

Dresser After

V-Day Flowers & Dresser

A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into this dresser.  After cutting myself trying to take the old hardware off (attached with thick wire) the MR jumped in to save the day.   Apparently the gentleman who originally made this beauty didn't have a tape measure so the hubby also had to get out his circular saw to make the top rectangular. 

So what do you think of her?  I think she needs a name, do you have any ideas?

With Love,
Mrs Messi