Monday, July 28, 2014

Laundry Closet Make Over

While the husband is away the wife will craft!  During Andrew's Air Force career I have always looked for projects to do while he is away on TDY's or Deployment so when I found out he had a 72 hour shift at work I decided to give our laundry closet a makeover. It was much needed since we tend to leave the doors open.

In a perfect world I would paint this little closet a fun color and add better storage and shelving however its military housing so that just wasn't possible.  My inspiration came from all of the clothespin wreaths on Pinterest.  Halfway through my boring clothespin wreath I ran out of clothespins and had to make a trip to Target.  While at Target I found some great plastic baskets for $5 each, another pack of clothespins, and a board on clearance for $3.

Once the kids went down for the night I decided to paint some stripes on canvas to add some color to the room.  I then decided to add some paint to the clothespin wreath and a matching ribbon.  I then mixed up some paint for the board and added some knobs.

I love that I had most of the supplies in our craft corner and was able to give this ugly closet a huge face lift for $25 and a couple hours.  

Clothespin wreath
I still have a few things planned for the laundry closet but those will just have to wait for the next 72 hour shift!  Do you have any great ideas for a laundry room?  If so I would love to hear about them.

With love,

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