Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Spontaneous Zoo Trip

As we walked into the church parking lot on Sunday morning we were surprised to find blue skies and sunshine peaking through the clouds.  The hubby and I decided we needed to add some spontaneity to our completely scheduled life so we took the kids to the Alaska Zoo.  
Walking through the trees you find many animals that you just may find hiking in Alaska.  Strolling up to the brown and black bears sent chills down our spine.  It was a great reminder how scary it would be to stumble across one of these huge animals while exploring Alaska.  Don't worry mom and dad, we will continue to carry our bear bells and spray. 

The musk ox exhibit was one of our favorites.  We couldn't help but stand in the sun and admire these beautiful creatures.  They fit into the same category as my parents dog...  so ugly that you can't help but think they are cute.  

We also got to see the Funny River Wolf Pups before they flew to their new home at the Minnesota Zoo.

It was nice to get out and let the littles explorer the animals that make Alaska so exciting in a safe environment.  

What do you do to keep your life with little ones spontaneous?

With Love,
Mrs Messi

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